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Writer's picturejess spain

Summer Solstice, Full Moon, & Cancer Season

Updated: Oct 2

What a week.

Tomorrow (Thursday June 20th) is the summer solstice. The summer solstice is the longest day of the year and also is the mark of the beginning of summer. The summer solstice signifies the triumphs over the darkness as we enter the season of the light. 

Friday (June 21st) is the Full Moon in Capricorn and the beginning of Cancer season. There can be a theme of home/family with this full moon cycle as Capricorn holds that responsible and discerning energy, father Satrun. Cancer is the energy of home, of the moon, of the mother. Take inventory of what is helpful in your life when it comes to building the life that you desire. Let go of the people and things that are energy depletions and are hindering you on your journey to yourself. 

One of the things that I have been doing for years under the full moon is to write out some of the things I want to let go of. The emotional weights that I tend to carry with me even when they are harmful to my life. After I write them out, I go out under the moon and I burn them. This has been a way for me to release that energy back to the source so I can receive it back in a different way. 

I will be heading to host the Women’s retreat this weekend and plan on doing this ceremony on a larger scale with all of the women attending. 

If you lacked that care and tenderness at home as a child, this is your opportunity to extend those to yourself. Meet yourself with kindness, with compassion, as you continue this journey within. You deserve the grace that you offer those around you too. 

Happy Solstice, Full Moon, and Cancer season. 


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I love the idea of writing it down and burning it under the moon to release it. I'm looking forward to doing that at the retreat!

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It’s one of my favorite full moon activities for sure.

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