This Eclipse New Moon is in the sign of Aries. The sign of Aries is fierce and asks you to tap into that inner fire and take the leap. Aries is bold and with this being the Moon phase of manifestation, this is a great time to make strides in your goals and aspirations.
Move in a forward direction with confidence, you are the one in control of your destiny.
This New Moon is sitting right next to an astrological point called Chiron. Chiron is the wounded healer in your chart, the part that asks you to look deeply and heal this aspect of yourself during your lifetime. This eclipse energy amplifies that intense feeling of the past coming back up to be reconciled. This is a good time to take a look at some of the deeper issues that are surfacing right now. This place in your chart is a place of tenderness for you and this is likely a challenging time emotionally. Lean into those difficult feelings and tend to your spirit. Learning to take care of our emotional needs is how we are able to better help those around us.
This chaotic Aries energy begs for balance too during this season. Applying the skills you have gained thus far to regain your balance will come in handy during eclipse season. Remember, just try to do your best and that will vary from day to day.
I have added a meditation for balance on my YouTube for you.
Happy New Moon!